My Design Best Practices
Successful design should have a clear purpose, and fulfill a specific user need in the most effective way possible. Simplicity is important – remove all the clutter from design until it breaks.
Organize information in a clear, easy to read way, for users to access what they are looking for quickly. Some examples are to use headlines, sub headlines, and bullet points, instead of long winded sentences.
Follow existing style guides and patterns for a cohesive user experience so that they won’t have to relearn your interface. When things behave the same, users don’t have to worry about what will happen, they already know.
Faster page load builds trust in your website. Fewer files the better, smaller the better, find the right balance of export quality and visual quality, performance and aesthetics.
Mobile First
As the digital landscape gets increasingly complex, we need to design experiences that work across the entire spectrum of digital devices.